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Notice of Election



AUGUST 6, 2024


TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF MUSKEGON, STATE OF MICHIGAN:  Notice is hereby given, that a PRIMARY ELECTION will be held in all precincts in Muskegon County, Michigan on Tuesday, August 6, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.


Nominations will be decided for the following: United States Senator, 2nd District Representative in Congress, 3rd District Representative in Congress, 87th District State Representative, 88th District State Representative, 89th District State Representative, 102nd District State Representative, County Prosecuting Attorney, County Sheriff, County Clerk, County Treasurer, County Register of Deeds, County Water Resources Commissioner, County Surveyor, County Commissioner, Township Supervisor, Township Clerk, Township Treasurer, Township Trustee, Township Constable and Township Park Commissioners. Precinct Delegates will be elected.


The following proposals will appear on the ballot at the Tuesday, August 6, 2024 election:




Activities or Services for Older Persons Millage Renewal


Shall Muskegon County, State of Michigan, be authorized to levy annually an amount not to exceed 0.4921 mill ($0.4921 on each $1,000 of taxable value), which is a renewal of the previously authorized millage rate that expires in 2023, against all taxable property in the County for a period of eight (8) years, 2024 to 2031, inclusive for the purpose of planning, coordinating, evaluating, and providing services to older persons in Muskegon County, as provided by Public Act 39 of 1976 (Activities or Services for Older Persons Act)?


The estimate of the revenue the County will collect in the first year (2024) if the millage is approved and levied by the County is approximately $2,600,000. By law, a portion of the revenue from the millage may be subject to capture by the downtown development authorities, tax increment authorities, local development finance authorities, and the brownfield redevelopment authorities of the City of Montague, City of Muskegon Heights, City of Roosevelt Park, City of Muskegon, Fruitport Township, Village of Ravenna, City of Norton Shores, City of Whitehall and Whitehall Township.




Egelston Township

Streetlight Millage Proposal


Shall the tax limitation on all taxable property within the Township of Egelston, Muskegon County, Michigan, be increased and the Township authorized to levy a millage in an amount not to exceed .80 mill ($0.80 on each $1,000 of taxable value), to replace the millage that expired in 2022, for five (5) years, 2024 to 2028 inclusive, to provide funds for operating, maintaining, and purchasing for streetlight operations? The estimate of the revenue the Township will collect in the first year of the levy (2024) if the millage is approved is approximately $193,000.


Fruitport Charter Township

Police and Fire Operations/Staffing Millage Proposition


Shall the limitation on the total amount of taxes which may be assessed against all property in Fruitport Charter Township, Muskegon County, Michigan for all purposes in any one year be increased for five (5) years, 2024 through 2028, inclusive, above the 15 mill tax limitation, in the amount of one dollar and twenty cents ($1.20) per thousand dollars of taxable valuation (1.2 mills), for the purpose of operating and maintaining the public safety services of the police and fire departments, including the purchase and maintenance of vehicles, apparatus, facilities, and equipment, and the hiring and maintenance of staff, and shall the Township be authorized to levy up to all of the tax? The estimated revenue the Township will collect if approved is $810,967.00.


Moorland Township

Proposal No. 1

Millage Renewal Proposition

1.8975 Mill for Fire Protection Purposes


Shall the increase in the Township of Moorland tax rate limitation, currently 1.8975 mills ($1.8975 per $1,000 of taxable value), be renewed and levied in the years 2025-2034, both inclusive, subject to reduction as provided by law, on taxable property in the Township?


The purpose of this levy is to provide fire protection within the Township, including the operation and maintenance of the Township fire department. It is estimated that a levy of 1.8975 mills would provide revenue of $112,486.76 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this millage levy will be disbursed to the Township of Moorland.


Proposal No. 2

0.4742 Mill for Training and Compensation

For Fire Department Personnel


Shall the increase in the Township of Moorland tax rate limitation, currently 0.4742 mill ($0.4742 per $1,000 of taxable value), be renewed and levied in the years 2025-2034, both inclusive, subject to reduction as provided by law, on taxable property in the Township?


The purpose of this levy is to provide training and compensation for Township fire department personnel. It is estimated that a levy of 0.4742 mill would provide revenue of $28,114.17 in the first calendar year. The revenue from this millage levy will be disbursed to the Township of Moorland.




Millage Renewal Proposition

2.0 Mills for Fire Protection Purposes


Shall the Township of Ravenna renew and continue to levy 1.9695 mills ($1.9695 per $1,000 of taxable value) and shall an additional 0.0305 mill ($0.0305 per $1,000 of taxable value) be approved and levied to restore previous millage reductions under the “Headlee Amendment” since this millage was last approved, resulting in a 2.0 mill levy ($2.00 per $1,000 of taxable value) in the years 2024 through 2027, inclusive, so as to continue funding for fire protection purposes, subject to reduction as provided by law on taxable property in the Township?


The purpose of this levy is to provide fire protection within the Township, including the operation and maintenance of the Township fire department. This proposal would authorize an increased limit on ad valorem taxes, as otherwise imposed on the Township by Article IX, Section 6 of the Michigan Constitution.


It is estimated that a levy of 2.0 mills would provide revenue of $231,533 in the first calendar year, of which $3,531 would result from the additional 0.0305 mill. The millage from this levy would be disbursed to the Township of Ravenna.










Full text of the ballot proposition may be obtained at the administrative offices of Coopersville Area Public Schools, 198 East Street, Coopersville, Michigan 49404-1290, telephone: (616) 997-3200.








Full text of the ballot proposition may be obtained at the administrative offices of Grand Haven Area Public Schools, 1415 S. Beechtree Street, Grand Haven, Michigan 49417-2899, telephone: (616) 850-5000.









Full text of the ballot proposition may be obtained at the administrative offices of Oakridge Public Schools, 275 South Wolf Lake Road, Muskegon, Michigan 49442-3029, telephone: (231) 788-7100.


Notice is further given that the POLLING PLACES FOR SAID ELECTION will be as follows:

Blue Lake Township 1 Blue Lake Twp Hall 1491 Owasippe, Twin Lake
Casnovia Township 1 Casnovia Twp Hall 245 S. Canada, Casnovia
Cedar Creek Township 1 Cedar Creek Twp Hall 6556 Sweeter Rd., Twin Lake
Dalton Township 1 Dalton Twp Fire Dept. 1650 Riley Thompson, Muskegon
2 Village of Lakewood Hall 6681 Automobile, Twin Lake
3 Dalton Twp Fire Dept. 1650 Riley Thompson, Muskegon
Egelston Township 1 Oakridge Comm. Ed. 275 S. Wolf Lake, Muskegon
2 VFW Post 7729 6285 E. Apple Ave., Muskegon
3 Egelston Twp Hall 5428 E. Apple Ave., Muskegon
Fruitland Township 1 Community Bldg. 6227 S. Shore Dr., Whitehall
2 Fruitland Twp Hall 4545 Nestrom, Whitehall
Fruitport Charter Township 1 Calvary Church 213 W. Oak St., Fruitport
2 Port City Church 3387 Hts Ravenna, Muskegon
3 Grace Lutheran Church 2651 Shettler, Muskegon
4 Fruitport Twp Hall 5865 Airline Rd., Fruitport
  5 Fruitport Christian Ref Church 3520 E Pontaluna Rd., Fruitport
Holton Township 1 Holton Twp Hall 6511 Holton Whitehall, Holton
Laketon Township 1 Laketon Bethel Church. 1568 W. Giles, Muskegon
2 Laketon Twp Hall 2735 Giles Rd., Muskegon
Montague Township 1 Montague Twp Hall 8915 Whitbeck, Montague
Moorland Township 1 Moorland Twp Hall 12416 E Apple Ave., Ravenna
Muskegon Charter Township 1 Muskegon Twp Hall 1990 E. Apple Ave., Muskegon
2 Discovering Christ Church 2330 Holton Rd., Muskegon
3 First Baptist Church 1070 S Quarterline Rd, Muskegon
4 First Baptist Church 1070 S Quarterline Rd, Muskegon
Ravenna Township 1 Ravenna Twp Hall 3770 Blackmer Rd., Ravenna
Sullivan Township 1 Sullivan Twp Hall 8138 Hts. Ravenna, Ravenna
White River Township 1 White River Twp Hall 7386 Post Rd., Montague
Whitehall Township 1 Whitehall Twp Hall 7644 Durham Rd., Whitehall
Montague City 1 City Hall 8778 Ferry St., Montague
Muskegon City 1 Central Assembly of God-Life Center 896 Home St., Muskegon
2 Central Assembly of God-Life Center 896 Home St., Muskegon
3 Smith Ryerson 650 Wood St., Muskegon
4 City Hall 933 Terrace St., Muskegon
5 Dept of Public Works 1350 Keating, Muskegon
6 MPS Admin Building 1458 5th St., Muskegon
7 Muskegon Farmers Market 242 W Western Ave, Muskegon
8 Celebration Community Church 1260 W Sherman Blvd, Muskegon
9 Great Lakes Museum 1346 Bluff Street, Muskegon
Muskegon Heights City 1 Hope Lighthouse Church 2640 Peck St., Muskegon Hts
2 & 4 W.L. Burrel Multiplex 412 Sherman, Muskegon Hts
3 City Hall 2724 Peck, Muskegon Hts
North Muskegon City 1 Walker Community Center 409 Stewart, N Muskegon
Norton Shores City 1 Shores Community Church 3800 Lake Harbor Rd, Norton Shores
2 Norton Shores Library 705 Seminole, Norton Shores
3 New Life Community Church 4095 Grand Haven Rd., Norton Shores
4 Norton Shores Parks/Rec Garage 4814 Henry St., Norton Shores
5 Norton Shores Fire Station #3 1100 E. Pontaluna Rd., Norton Shores
6 Unity Reformed Church 1521 Porter Rd, Norton Shores
7 Bridge Bible Church 5035 Henry Street, Norton Shores
Roosevelt Park City 1 Community Bldg. 3106 Roosevelt, Muskegon
Whitehall City 1 City Hall 405 E Colby, Whitehall



Absentee ballots are available for all elections; registered voters may contact the local clerk to obtain an application for an absent voter ballot.

To comply with the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), voting instructions will be available in audio format and in Braille. Arrangements for obtaining the instructions in these alternate formats can be made by contacting the local clerk in advance of the election. All polling locations are accessible for voters with disabilities.




NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Public Accuracy Test for the Tuesday, August 6, 2024 Primary Election and the 9 days of early voting at Dalton and Holton Township, the City of Muskegon and the Muskegon County Consolidated site has been scheduled for Monday, July 22, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. at the following locations:


Blue Lake Twp Hall   Egelston Twp Hall   Laketon Twp Hall
1491 Owasippe Rd   5428 E Apple Ave   2735 W Giles Rd
Twin Lake, MI   Muskegon, MI   Muskegon, MI
231-894-6335   231-788-2308   231-744-2454
Casnovia Twp Hall   Fruitland Twp Hall   Montague Twp Hall
245 S Canada Rd   4545 Nestrom Rd   8915 Whitbeck Rd
Casnovia, MI   Whitehall, MI   Montague, MI
616-675-4064   231-766-3208   231-894-4414
Cedar Creek Twp Hall   Fruitport Twp Hall   Moorland Twp Hall
6556 Sweeter Rd   5865 Airline Rd   12416 E Apple Ave
Twin Lake, MI   Fruitport, MI   Ravenna, MI
231-821-0014   231-865-3151   231-853-2015
Dalton Twp Hall   Holton Twp Hall   Muskegon Twp Hall
1616 E Riley Thompson Rd   6511 Holton Whitehall Rd   1990 E Apple Ave
Muskegon, MI   Holton, MI   Muskegon, MI
231-766-3043   231-821-2168   231-777-2555
Ravenna Twp Hall   Montague City Hall   Norton Shores City Hall
3770 Blackmer Rd   8778 Ferry St   4814 Henry St
Ravenna, MI   Montague, MI   Norton Shores, MI
231-853-6205   231-893-1155   231-798-4391
Sullivan Twp Hall   Muskegon City Hall   Roosevelt Park City Hall
8138 Hts Ravenna Rd   933 Terrace St   900 Oak Ridge Rd
Ravenna, MI   Muskegon, MI   Muskegon, MI
231-853-6900   231-724-6705   231-755-3721
White River Twp Hall   Muskegon Hts City Hall   Whitehall City Hall
7386 Post Rd   2724 Peck St   405 E Colby St
Montague, MI   Muskegon Hts, MI   Whitehall, MI
231-894-9216   231-733-8820   231-894-4048
Whitehall Twp Hall   North Muskegon City Hall   Muskegon County
7644 Durham Rd   1102 Ruddiman Dr   1903 Marquette Ave
Whitehall, MI   North Muskegon, MI   Muskegon, MI  49442
231-893-2095   231-744-1621   231-724-6425








The Public Accuracy Test is conducted to determine that the program and the computer being used to tabulate the results of the election, counts the votes in the manner prescribed by the law.



Karen D Buie, Muskegon County Clerk

Publish: Sunday, July 21, 2024